
Welcome to the blog for the Oberlin College Geomorphology Research Group. We are a diverse team of students working with Amanda Henck Schmidt on geomorphology questions. This blog is an archive of our thoughts about our research, field work travel notes, and student research projects. Amanda's home page is here.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Greetings from the shore (Gaby's intro)


My name is Gaby, I’m one of the people participating in Prof. Amanda’s lab (I use she/her/hers or they/them/theirs). I’m a Geology and Environmental Studies double major with a soft spot for literature. At the lab I team up with Dom preparing samples from our watershed to be run in Harbin, the germanium detector (Harbin is another member of team!). This coming semester might have some exciting results, as we will be able to see the analysis of our watershed samples. We also have weekly lab group lunches with delicious homemade bread, PBJ and apples (which in Ohio are very good). The lunches are a good time to catch up to what everyone in the lab is up to research wise and also about their activities outside of class. 

            I’m spending this winter term as an intern at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Interestingly, the lab I’m working with also uses two germanium detectors. This project looks at sediment cores to learn about hurricane cycles in New England, and also test their storm surge model. They also use radionuclides to date the sediment, although the samples are handled much differently. We also have an one-hour class in the morning about the different sub fields of oceanography. It is overwhelming to consider all the factors that come to play in the ocean, and all the same more interesting.

            Woods Hole is a lovely town, the people have been warm, and the winter not so harsh in contrast with most of the country this January. I was born and raised in Venezuela, mostly in a town by the ocean, so being able to take walks on the beach every day is lovely, cold weather and all. It was also the first time that I've ever seen snow on a shore! Of course, I ended up knee deep exploring around and collecting cool rocks and sea shells. 

Although the snowstorm was intimidating, the calm after it brought a beautiful landscape. 

But going back to Oberlin, this is Carnegie, the building that hosts the geo department and our lab. As you walk up the stairs, shelves full of rock specimens appear, which is the school's geology museum (the department is cozily nestled on the third and fourth floors). 

This is a picture of some of the shelves and geo majors taking a picture for the resource conservation team's recycling campaign. I'm on the far left holding a soil sample for Harbin, and Adrian (whom you've already met) is holding a large sieve.

To the lab team in China: Stay strong! Best of luck on your travels.
To the lab team back in Oberlin: Stay warm, and enjoy working around in the lab.
To the lab team around the world: See you all soon!


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