
Welcome to the blog for the Oberlin College Geomorphology Research Group. We are a diverse team of students working with Amanda Henck Schmidt on geomorphology questions. This blog is an archive of our thoughts about our research, field work travel notes, and student research projects. Amanda's home page is here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Ely and Amelia take on GSA and field work!

Marcus and Ely presenting on Dominica. 
Monica and Amelia presenting on Plum Creek Research.

Last time on the blog, we (Ely and Amelia) had just been to UVM working on XRF data. We then incorporated this data for our collaborative GSA posters! The conference was an exciting experience and we learned a lot from talking to other people in the field and attending sessions. We networked with Amanda's colleagues and took in the exhibits. We also had a great time riding electric scooters from the hotel to the conference center.

We have also been busy at work in the lab.  We moved machine lab spaces and have been preparing to have 4 gamma spectrometers as opposed to 1 soon. We also have been doing lots of housekeeping as we will be doing a larger move in the summer. This means lots of sorting, cleaning and getting samples ready. We also autoclaved. An autoclave is essentially a large steam bath that reaches temperatures that sterilize the machine's contents. We use this on our samples to ensure no creepy crawlies made it back from the field.

Ely will be away in London next semester and Amelia will be working in the lab again next semester!

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